Ankle Bracelets

August 12, 2017

Ankle Bracelets

Bracelets aren’t meant for the wrist alone; there are bracelets that are made to be worn round the ankle. Moreover, bracelets by definition refer to any sort of jewelry that is worn round a particular part of the body. Ankle bracelets [which also known as ‘Anklets’] are now viewed as a cool form of embellishment- unlike the traditional leg chain, they appear to give a bold(er) outlook. The trend of using ankle bracelets is however not a new thing: they were first used in ancient Egypt about thousands of years ago. The use of this piece has been long preserved among Indian women whose dressing might deemed incomplete until she wears ankle bracelets- whether in pair or just on one of the legs.

But the trends began to make waves in the early 90s when ladies started adopting the fashion. Ankle bracelets can be made from gold, silver, plastic, nylon, etc. Plus, in terms of types; there are two (2) types of ankle bracelets that exist; they are the flexible and the non-flexible type.

Furthermore, it might interest you to know that ankle bracelets are not all about fashionable; there are special kinds of ankle bracelets designed for helping anyone suffering from overactive bladder, regulate and/or minimize the number of times he frequents the convenience. So, it is safe to [at least] say that ankle bracelets serve both fashion and general functions.